Recommended Reading: CISM – PTSD
Assessing Psychological Trauma & PTSD (Wilson & Keane)
Biological Assessment and Treatment of PTSD (Giller)
Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response (Everly & Lating)
Compassion Fatigue (Figley)
CopShock: Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Kates)
Coping with Traumatic Stress Reactions
Crisis Intervention Theory and Methodology (Aguilera)
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: An Operations Manual (Mitchell & Everly)

Emergency Services Stress (Mitchell & Bray)
Group Crisis Support (Mitchell)
Handbook of Posttraumatic Growth (Calhoun & Tedeschi)
How to Be a Hostage and Live (Bolz)
How to Be a Hostage and Live (Bolz)
Integrated Crisis Intervention & Disaster Mental Health (Everly & Mitchell)
OCAPS Peer Support Resource Booklet – Trauma and Critical Incidents
OCAPS Peer Support Resource Booklet – Trauma and Critical Incidents
Occupational Stress in Policing (Burge)
Occupational Stress in Policing (Burge)
Occupational Stress in Policing (Burge)
On Killing (Grossman)

Police Crisis Intervention (Goldstein, Monti, Sardino, & Green)
Police Crisis Intervention (Goldstein, Monti, Sardino, & Green)
Police Crisis Intervention (Goldstein, Monti, Sardino, & Green)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children (Eth & Pynoos)
Post-Traumatic Therapy And Victims Of Violence (Ochberg)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: The victim’s guide to healing and recovery (Flannery)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: The victim’s guide to healing and recovery (Flannery)

Psychological Trauma (Van Der Kolk)
Psychosocial Aspects of Disaster (Gist & Lubin)
Psychosocial Aspects of Disaster (Gist & Lubin)
Psychotraumatology: Key Papers and Core Concepts in Post-Traumatic Stress (Everly & Lating)
Role Stressors and Supports for Emergency Workers (Anonymous)
Stress Management for Law Enforcement (Pranzo)
Stronger (Everly & Strouse)
The Body Keeps the Score (Van Der Kolk)
Too Beautiful A Day to Die (Egginton)
Trauma and its Wake (Figley)
Trauma in the Lives of Children (Johnson)
Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society (Van Der Kolk, McFarlane, & Weisaeth)
When Disaster Strikes: How Individuals and Communities Cope with Catastrophe (Raphael)
When Disaster Strikes: How Individuals and Communities Cope with Catastrophe (Raphael)